Are you ready for Christmas???
I sure hope so, it's only 2 DAYS AWAY!
Before I show you what's new in the SHOP, I thought I would take care of a little Holiday Housekeeping:
Here is our Holiday Shipping Schedule:
We will ship on,
December 24th, 26th, 27th
then we will be taking a little Holiday
and shipping will return to daily on January 6th.
Now, are you ready for some new fabric?
Detour by Bo Bunny for Riley Blake Designs
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this collection! If I had unlimited funds, I would love to travel the world.
I love traveling.
That suitcase print is totally me.
And don't forget about the precuts!
We will have some awesome new stuff in by the end of the week, so be sure to stop by the shop.
And from my family to yours
Have a very Merry Christmas!